Data Structures Through C

Duration 18 h 57 m 43 s

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Data Structures Through C

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What you will learn?

  • Basics of Data Structure.
  • C language.

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Course content

video1. Reading - About the InstructorFree
video2. Intro To Data Structures7 m 18 sFree
video3. Control Instructions8 m 30 sFree
video4.Operators9 m 11 sFree
video5. Pointers16 m 49 sFree
video6. Types of Pointers6 m 54 sFree
video7. Reference - Book Notes for Professionals in Data Structure Start
video8. Call By Value4 m 39 sFree
video9. Call By Reference9 m 7 sFree
video10. Recursion9 m 45 sFree
video11. Storage Classes9 m 55 sFree
video12. Preprocessor Directives6 m 16 sFree
video13. Arrays and Strings8 m 14 sFree
video14. Algorithms7 m 25 sFree
video15. Analysis of Algorithms14 m 24 sFree
video16. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms13 m 18 sFree
video17. Time Complexity9 m 37 sFree
video18. Time Complexity13 m 52 s Start
video19. Growth Rate Exercise8 m 51 sFree
video21. Analysis of Linear Search7 m 48 sFree
video22. Binary Search7 m 29 sFree
video23. Analysis of Binary Search4 m 43 sFree
video24. Recursive Binary Search7 m 26 s Start
video25. Selection Sort10 m 31 sFree
video26. Bubble Sort8 m 45 sFree
video27. Radix Sort12 m 35 sFree
video28. Insertion Sort7 m 4 sFree
video29. Merge Sort12 m 56 sFree
video30. Reference - Sorting Start
video31. Quick Sort Algorithm9 m 38 sFree
video32. Quick Sort Implementation6 m 53 sFree
video33. Quick Sort Exercise10 m 34 s Start
video34. Summary of Sorting Algorithms4 m 47 s Start
video35. Array (Part 1)17 m 35 sFree
video35. Array (Part 2)27 mFree
video36. Structure39 m 57 sFree
video37. Array of Structures6 m 33 sFree
video38. Passing Structure Elements3 m 57 sFree
video39. Passing Structures6 m 16 sFree
video40. Polynomials7 m 17 s Start
video41. Polynomial Addition8 m 14 s Start
video42. Polynomial Multiplication6 m 50 s Start
video43. Two Dimensional Arrays7 m 20 sFree
video44. Saddle Point6 m 14 s Start
video45. Upper and Lower Triangular Matrices10 m 15 s Start
video46. Sparse Matrices14 m 45 s Start
video47. Transpose of a Sparse Matrix12 m 30 s Start
video48. Storage of Arrays12 m 16 sFree
video49. Problem on Storage of Arrays6 m 35 sFree
video50. Dynamic Memory Allocation10 m 28 sFree
video51. Linked List16 m 19 sFree
video52. Linked List of Records5 m 23 sFree
video53. Linked List Operations - I13 m 11 sFree
video54. Linked List Operations - II15 m 6 s Start
video55. Ascending Order Linked List11 m 9 s Start
video56. Sorting A Linked List7 m 44 s Start
video57. Reversing a Linked List8 m 32 s Start
video58. Merging Linked Lists10 m 3 s Start
video59. Concatenating Linked Lists7 m 8 s Start
video60. Polynomial Addition Using Linked List12 m 51 s Start
video61. Circular Linked List16 m 52 sFree
video62. Doubly Linked List11 m 7 sFree
video63. Sparse Matrix as a Linked List10 m 22 s Start
video64. Recursive Count and Compare11 m 56 s Start
video65. Recursive Copy and Append8 m 32 s Start
video66. Unions9 m 55 s Start
video67. Generalized Linked List for Multi-variable Polynomials14 m 33 s Start
video68. Copying a Generalized List8 m 42 s Start
video69. Depth of a Generalized List2 m 34 s Start
video70. Comparison of Generalized Lists5 m 27 s Start
video71. Stack Data Structure6 m 17 sFree
video72. Implementation of a Stack8 m 32 sFree
video73. Stack as a Linked List14 m 12 s Start
video74. Types of Expressions3 m 31 s Start
video75. Infix to Postfix Conversion11 m 26 s Start
video76. Infix to Prefix Conversion8 m 54 s Start
video77. Prefix to Postfix Conversion5 m 23 s Start
video78. Conversion Summary7 m 46 s Start
video79. Implementation of Infix to Postfix11 m 38 s Start
video80. Implementation of Prefix to Postfix5 m 20 s Start
video81. Evaluation of Postfix Expression5 m 14 s Start
video82. Implementation of Postfix Evaluation7 m 18 s Start
video83. Queue Data Structure2 m 21 s Start
video84. Implementation of Queue8 m 54 s Start
video85. Deque and its Implementation17 m 31 s Start
video86. Priority Queue2 m 8 s Start
video87. Circular Queue2 m 8 s Start
video88. Tree Data Structure5 m 35 sFree
video89. Tree Terminology6 m 42 sFree
video90. Tree Traversals5 m 52 sFree
video91. Construction of Binary Trees15 m 34 s Start
video92. Array Representation of a Binary Tree5 m 35 sFree
video93. Linked Representation of a Binary Tree4 m 2 s Start
video94. Binary Search Tree5 m 53 sFree
video95. BST Implementation9 m 7 sFree
video96. BST Traversals6 m 2 sFree
video97. Comparison of Binary Trees5 m 45 sFree
video98. Insertion in a BST13 m 29 s Start
video99. Deletion in a BST17 m 21 s Start
video100. Searching a BST6 m 39 s Start
video101. Threaded Binary Tree11 m 11 s Start
video102. Implementation of Threaded Binary Tree12 m 25 s Start
video103. Inorder Traversal of Threaded Binary Tree7 m 20 s Start
video104. Binary Heap15 m 24 sFree
video105. Heap Sort12 m 40 s Start
video106. AVL Tree20 m 59 sFree
video107. Graph Data Structure6 m 37 sFree
video108. Adjacency Matrix Representation6 m 1 sFree
video109. Adjacency List Representation5 m 28 sFree
video110. Adjacency Multilist Representation12 m 23 sFree
video111. Orthogonal Representation of a Graph8 m 42 s Start
video112. Depth First Search Traversal4 m 56 s Start
video113. Implementation of DFS10 m 5 s Start
video114. Breadth First Search Traversal8 m 10 s Start
video115. BFS Implementation7 m 11 s Start
video116. Spanning Tree8 m 29 sFree
video117. Kruskal's Algorithm7 m 2 s Start
video118. Prim's Algorithm10 m 22 s Start
video119. Dijkstra's Algorithm15 m 11 s Start
video120. Hashing9 m 10 s Start
videoRepeated - Linked List Operations - II15 m 6 s Start
videoNotations Start
Yashwant Kanetkar

Yashwant Kanetkar

Director of KICIT, a training company, and KSET.

Course Instructor

Sumit Malhotra

Sumit Malhotra

Assistant Professor at Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali.

Course Instructor

Sumit Malhotra is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali.


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